Your birth date and your names dictate your life purpose and karma. Good and bad. Each number correspond with a planet or Celestial Body within our Solar System. Here you can read thoroughly about each number. Here you'll find a complete list with a full description of the meaning of all numbers from 1-55. With this guide, you will be able to understand the karma in your birthday, and also the karma in your names. To calculate the numbers of your name, you must follow the Chaldean Table below.
The guide is ordered after the final sum of each number, so for example if you're looking for the number 23, you must calculate the sum and add 2+3=5. Then you'll find the description of the number 23 under the cahpter of the number 5.
And 10, 19, 28, 37, 46 and 55
And 11, 20, 29, 38 and 47
(born 2, 11, 20, 29 of the month, or born in February or November or born in a year in which the Sum is something with 2 as the final sum - such as 1991 - 1+9+9+1=20 and then 2+0=2)
Number 2 is ruled by the Moon which has a strong connection with the Sun because both of the Sun controls daylight and the Moon controls the night and dreams.
Below appears in ancient symbol of the Moon
Great creativity, empathy, understanding people, strong intuition, inspiring people, full of wisdom, idealist, hedonist, good at having fun
Weak, melancolic, bad self esteem, bad at taking responsibility, bad at getting things done, lazy, copy cat, unrealistic dreamer, always late for appointments, superficial
Life purpose
Having fun, inspiring people, living according to intuition, fealing oneself, folliwing the heart, enjoying nature, being a free spirit and being a great artist
Advanced description of the single number 2
It corresponds with the elements of Water and Air. The number 2 is all about dreaming and in the ancient world, it was named "The High Priestess". This means that the number 2 is all about intuition, soft values and the ability to strongly understand emotions and feelings. Like its preceding number, the number 1, the number 2 is also a feminine vibration.
The number 2 is an extremely creative number because creativity is all about expressing emotion in a way that may inspire others. The number 2 holds a great wisdom which inspires others and therefore people represented by the number 2 has a great influence on other people because many people get inspired from them. Unlike the number 1, people represented by the number 2 are far less perfectionists. They just want to have fun and they enjoy the creative process. The creative process must be fun and success is not always the purpose. In comparison to people represented by the number 1, they do noting without having the ambition of success behind their work.
People represented by the number 2, just enjoy the creative process and having fun with it. People represented by the number 2 just care about having fun and enjoying life. They don't care too much how much money they have in their bank account. All they care about is that they have enough to have fun and do what they want.
They prefer to have flow and like the number 1, they also appreciate luxury and having a hedonist life style. One of the main problems with people represented by the number 2 is that many of them have too much empathy. Empathy is a good thing, but for many people represented by the number 2 it becomes unbalanced. This means that they care too much about other people and therefore they put aside their own needs in order to help and please others and to make them happy.
This means that they end up in the martyr role and sacrificing themselves for the team and getting too little back. So hereby they become pleasers and may appear weak to others. They often have the feeling of giving a baby finger and people take the whole arm without even showing any signs of grattitude. This overpowered empathy also causes stress because the person represented by the number 2, may think too much of what others think and have too many worries.
This also leads to melancolia and addictions such as smoking cigarettes, checking one's smart phone too often, watching too much tv, eating unhealthy and generally behavior that is all about distracting the racing mind into something pleasurable. The problem of this empathy is also that they have a hard time telling people the naked truth because they care too much about other people.
Therefore they fear conflicts and due to this, they are not always totally honest and they are likely to tell people what they like to hear in order to please them and make them happy. This makes them somewhat dishonest because they are afraid to hurt other people's feelings. Because they often have a low self esteem and worry too much about the recognition of other people, many people in the criminal underworld are represented by the number 2 because they want to appear strong because they want to prove something to themselves. People represented by the number 2 are also idealistic because they act on emotions and the passion to make a change for the better.
Their problem is that their idealism is ruled only by emotions not by reason and logic. Industries such as the Music Industry and all creative businesses are strongly ruled by people represented by the number 2 or its shadow number 7. People represented by the number 2 are very touchy to insults. This can be a problem when people represented by the number 2 are in company with people represented by numbers from the Heavenly Triad: 3, 6 and 9 who are always very direct and straight forward. Insults or someone who tells the truth in a very straight forward way can strongly hurt the feelings of a person represented by the number 2.
Number 2 in Greek Mythology
In Greek Mythology the number correspond with the Moon Goddess, Selene who drives her chariot every night on the sky with the Moon tied on the rear. The chariot is driven by two beautiful and shiny silver horses. Just like the Sungod Apollon does every day with the Sun. She is a Goddess of women and their menstrual cycle, pregnancy, passion (in love) and art. She is also the goddess of sleep and dreams. Through dreams she is also known to bring solutions to people in dreams.
An interesting tale about the Moon Goddess, Selene was that she drove her chariot an early evening across a mountain side. There she saw a handsome young man named Endymion who enjoyed the remains of the evening sun.
Selene fell in love with him, and together they had more than 300 children. She loved his beauty. Especially when he was sleeping. One day, she cursed him to sleep forever so she could always look at his cute face while he was asleep.
This demonstrates the great passion assiciated with the number 2, and the appreciation of beauty and not always doing the right thing, but instead only being ruled by emotions and feelings. As people strongly represented by the number 2 can lack the ability of proper rational thinking.
Number 2 in Greek Mythology
In Greek Mythology the number correspond with the Moon Goddess, Selene who drives her chariot every night on the sky with the Moon tied on the rear. The chariot is driven by two beautiful and shiny silver horses. Just like the Sungod Apollon does every day with the Sun. She is a Goddess of women and their menstrual cycle, pregnancy, passion (in love) and art. She is also the goddess of sleep and dreams. Through dreams she is also known to bring solutions to people in dreams.
An interesting tale about the Moon Goddess, Selene was that she drove her chariot an early evening across a mountain side. There she saw a handsome young man named Endymion who enjoyed the remains of the evening sun.
Selene fell in love with him, and together they had more than 300 children. She loved his beauty. Especially when he was sleeping. One day, she cursed him to sleep forever so she could always look at his cute face while he was asleep.
This demonstrates the great passion assiciated with the number 2, and the appreciation of beauty and not always doing the right thing, but instead only being ruled by emotions and feelings. As people strongly represented by the number 2 can lack the ability of proper rational thinking.
Tarot card for the number 2
Above appears the tarot card of the single number 2. We see the Greek Moongod, Selene seated on her throne surrounded by a black and a white column with the letters B and J portrayed on them. The symbolism of black and white symbolize the deeper understanding of the contrasts of life - like day and night, good and evil, right and wrong and so on. It symbolizes a deeper understanding of this duality and the ability of seeing these things in a higher perspective and thereby understanding the deeper meaning of life.
The letters B and J stand for the two words from ancient Akkadian language: Boaz Jachin - which means "creating with wisdom". This means that through the deeper understanding of the Kosmos, one is able to create in a way that is inspiring wisdom into the life of people. Such as creative work. Creativity is all about understanding feelings and emotions and using them to awaken wisdom into the soul of people. This could be in the form of art painting, writing poems, producing music and so it goes on. These abilities are what people represented by the number 2 are best at.
In the background, we see a pomegranate tree which in ancient Persia and ancient Greece was a holy fruit symbolizing rebirth and the immortality of the soul. The symbolism of this aspect is the higher understanding of Cosmos and the strong intuition to see beyond the veil of reincarnation and the Amnesia to it.
Her dress is blue and lightblue which symbolizes the third eye chakra, which is once again a symbol of strong intuition, but it's also a symbol of strong psychic abilities that is always available to people represented by the number 2. Some people can access it easily, and others must unlock it through practice.
The cross on her chest is not a Christian cross, but it's the symbol of the unity between Masculine and Feminine energy. This represents a social magnetism associated with the number 2 built on wisdom that inspires people and therefore people are attracted.
Shadow number:
The number 7 is the shadow number of 2. The difference is that the number 7 is primarily focused on using its intuition to be where the money and fortune is. Unlike the number 2 is more focused on using its intuition to helping other people and being idealistic.
Difference between 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47 and 56
The number 2 is the pure representation of the Moon. The pure number 2 is facing less problems with pleaser attitude, weakness and melancolia. They have a more strong and clear intuition which leads to a better creativity compared to the compound numbers 11 and 29.
11/2 (low self esteem / Lion muzzled)
According to the tablets from ancient Persia, the number 11 was described with these words:
This is an ominous number to occultists. It gives warning of hidden dangers, trial, and treachery from others. It has a symbol of a "Clenched Hand", and "a Lion Muzzled", and of a person who will have great difficulties to contend against.
Never balanced
Weak - Takes too much regard - Pleaser - Being let down by others - Hard to say no - Forced to be contend in business, love life and all sides of life - Tears - Unhappy - Too sensitive - Attracting energy vampires - Attracting negative paranormal experiences - Doing too much for others and getting not enough in return - Tired - Bad sleep in periods - Addictions
With other words, this number holds the low side of the spectrum of the number 2. In this number, we have the double 1, which is all about having a winner's attitude, and the desire to be the very best in whatever one undertakes. Then 1+1=2 and the number 2 is all about the empathi and the desire to help other people. With the double number 1, one will care too much about helping and pleasing others.
On the surface, people represented by the number 11 appears kind and sympathetic in their efforts to please other people, but they do it with an agenda, that they want people to like them. They have a low self esteem, and so they seek recognition from others. Therefore they don't have peace of mind, but instead, they suffer from stress. As the number 1 dictactate a great winner's attitude, it also dictate a big ego when it's unbalanced as it appears in the number 11. Therefore they have a big ego, and so they appear kind hoping that people will return their favors. Instead, they attract energy vampires (people who take a lot, but don't return the favors). People represented by the number 11, are also attracting negative astral entities that suck their energy.
If you're born the 11th of the month, born in November or in a year with the sum of 11 - such as 2009, you are represented by this number. The distorted empathy makes it hard for you to say no to people who are not fair. It actually means that you attract a lot of tears and sorrow in your life. It gives you the feeling of often being tired and having a low level of energy most of the time. Therefore also tendencies of depression. It's all about putting your own needs aside to please others and being afraid of taking a conflict if necessary and instead you may accept injustice. As quoted from the ancient tablets above, you may feel like "a lion muzzled", which means that you have a lot of strength, but your strength never comes out and it only stays within.
People represented by the number 11 are likely to develop diseases and sufferings such as: allergies of any kind, diabetes, stress, insomnia, excema and acne, depression and addictions. In association with other negative vibrating numbers, the number 11 worsens all the negative aspects of the other number(s).
People represented by the number 11 suffer greatly in their love life. They are rarely able to score with the person they are in love with, and they end up being contend with someone they don't really want. The number 11 is also a symbol of tears. People represented by the number 11 are also likely to be stalkers because they keep getting one rejection after another and their low self esteem drive them to crazy methods such as stalking in order to get their heart's desire.
Criminal behavior
People represented by the number 11 are people with no natural authority and power. Therefore not many really respect them. It frustrates them a lot, so therefore many people represented by the number 11 feel the need to prove themselves. A common way they often try to prove themselves is to develop criminal behavior and to be feared by others that way. Some people with the number 11 also strive to achieve great success in business hoping that people will respect them this way.
By googling the internet, one may find many sourcing calling 11 a "Master Number". It's not. The number 11 is only a number of great suffering and pain. The number is the complete opposite at being the master at litterally anything.
20/2 (passion / the calling)
According to the tablets from ancient Persia, the number 20 was described with these words:
This number is called "the Awakening"; also "the Judgement". It is symbolized by the figure of a winged angel sounding a trumpet, while from below a man, a woman, and a child are seen rising from a tomb with their hands clasped in prayer.
This number has a peculiar interpretation; the call to action, but for some great purpose, cause or duty. It is not a material number and consequently is a doubtful one as far as worldly success is concerned. If used in relation to a future event, it denotes delays, hindrances to one's plans, which can only be conquered through the development of the spiritual side of nature.
Knowing which way to go in life - Great passion - Creativity - Psychic abilites - Much fun and joy in life - Feeling a calling for greater purpose - Wanting and succeeding to change the world into a better place for all of mankind - Balanced empathic skills - Good at reading people - Good at understanding people - Love nature and animals - Idealist
Changing passions - Too fixated about one passion - Maniac - Mental problems - Unbalanced psychic abilities
With other words, the number 20 is a number for passion, drive and a great desire to change the world into a better place for all people. As it's described in the ancient tablets above "It is not a material number...", means that the number is all about the desire of selflessly make a great change in the world for the better.
The number 20 is all about pure idealism. It's about idealism linked with emotions. If the number is out of balance, it may cause great passion through life, but your passion may change over time and therefore your passion is only phases. With the number 20 unbalanced, you may be the kind of person who can hardly talk about anything but your passion. If the number 20 is strongly unbalanced, you may be manic or even bypolar or melancolic. If you are a psychopath, this number can be extremely dangerous as you may want to change the world on a major scale with a twisted idea just like Adolf Hitler who was also strongly represented by the number 20.
Tarot card for the number 20
Above appears the tarot card of the number 20. We see Archangel Gabriel coming out from a cloud sounding a trumpet
29/2 (being ripped off - one of the top 5 worst numbers!)
According to the tables from ancient Persia, the number 29 was described with these words:
It is not a fortunate number for the indication of future events. This number indicates uncertainties, treachery, and deception of others; it foreshadows trials, tribulation, and unexpected dangers, unreliable friends, and grief and deception caused by members of the opposite sex. It gives grave warning if it comes out in anything concerning future events.
Never balanced
Pleaser getting ripped off - People whipe their shoes on them - Easily angry - Many deep frustrations - Attracting many energy vampires - Depression - Low energy - Often betrayed - Very sad love life - Very bad friends - Abusive relationships
With other words, this is one of the worst numbers in existence. It holds the same bad aspects of the number 11 because 2+9=11, but it's about 10 x worse because we have the conflict between the two single numbers 2 and 9 which represent Mars and the Moon. Mars is represented by the Fire element in its purest form and the Moon is represented by the Water element. This is the clash between fire and water. This gives the feeling that your inner flame is always killed by the water and hereby you may face inner conflict and a lot of inner problems.
This number is like the number 11 on steorids. Alle the bad aspects from the number 11 are also in this number, but it's all stongly amplified
You may be the kind of person who want to do good for a lot of people and no one shows you any kind of grattitude and instead, they take you for granted. This is extremely hurtful to experience this throughout a whole life. It gives the feeling that in love life, you may never meet your heart's desire, but instead you're forced to be contend. It means that generally most people don't care about you and people abuse you and whipe their shoes on you. You give a baby finger and people take the whole arm. It also gives the feeling of never really being successful enough. You always fall on the finish line. Hereby comes a lot of low self esteem and stress. Many criminals also have this number. They seek this path of life to get a rush of adrenalin because they have so much mind racing in their head. They also seek the recognition from others. Many murderers also have this number. It works this way that all their life, they have been abused by other.
This number is seen in the Numeroscope of many murderers and psychopaths. It's not a psychopath number on its own, but it's a number that makes one attract a lot of badness into one's life, and therefore people represented by this number get upset very easily.
38/2 (stressful business)
Due to losses of pieces of the ancient tablets from Persia, the description of the number 38 is lost.
Still we know the meaning of the number.
Never balanced
Pleaser (especially i business) - Hard to get projects finished - Too much on the desk - Taking in too many projects due to fear of missing a major success - Hard to be thorough - Slobby - Scale of success makes disappointment - Keeps banging the head into the wall and gaining more and more frustration - Slow at getting things done
The number 38 is very similar to the number 29. In the number 29, we get the number 11 when we add 2+9. The same thing is the case when we add 3+8. The number 38 is more focused on lack of overview in business. This generates stress in one's carreer and problems getting things done at the right time. With the number 38 one often experience disappointments in business and the experience of falling upon the finish line. This gives the feeling of one's success crumbles like sand between one's fingers. With this number, one is forced to work extra hard to maintain the achieved success.
Like the preceding numbers 11 and 29, many frustrations are attached to this number. Therefore the same diseases such as diabetis, insomnia, addictions and a sad love life is also a part of the spectrum of this compund number.
You can't be born the 38 of the month, but for example if you're born 9 February 1989, we here add the numbers: 9+2+1+9+8+9= 38
47/2 (conflict between spirituality and science)
Due to losses of pieces of the ancient tablets from Persia, the description of the number 38 is lost.
Never balanced
Inner conflict between spiritual views and science - Distorted psychic abilities - Losses - Negative changes - Many longings - Pleaser - Autistic behavior - OCD - Hard to get projects finished - Confused - Querulous behavior - Scale of success makes disappointment - Addictions
Another awful number like the two preceding ones. This one has its own unique bad abilities. Being unique is a strong desire for people represented by the compound number 47 sine the first number 4 is about the desire of being unique and revolutionize. As 4+7=11 we know

Enkelttallene part 2

Enkelttallene part 1
Enkelttallene part 3